Seeing Blue Photo by Mallory Sullivan

Seeing Blue

Student shares experience on campus after voting Democratically in presidential election.

I’m Christian and I voted Joe Biden for president. This is a statement that is controversial to say on campus. For those who did not vote Republican for president, many feel anxious to admit their opinions due to fear of the majority’s judgment. 

Since July, political tensions have been high in our country. Between questions of social injustice, the global pandemic and economic fears, words are being thrown like daggers to cope with what is attacking the hearts of all Americans: change.

We sit and mumble our frustrations with the “corruption of politics” when our ideal image of America changes to that of the opposing political party. We forget that God’s plan has already existed and the events that occur are happening according to his will. 

I know this statement is easier for me to admit as the election results were in the direction that I wanted. These opinions are not shared by many around me.

In some rooms I walk into, my views are criticized for being too conservative while in other contexts I am seen as far too liberal. My beliefs make me a target for criticism in many situations, including with some of CBC’s conservative student body.

I sometimes hear conversations about politics where people made the assumption that I agreed with them. Although I would state my beliefs in a way that did not voice support for being conservative or liberal, some assumed that meant I agreed with them. This ranged from grumblings about Biden’s economic plans to outright disapproval of the Democratic party. All of these opinions were shared loudly on campus, not with concerns that everyone might not share the same view. 

On campus, Tower reporters struggle to find those who are willing to share their reasons for supporting the Democratic candidate. It is difficult to find students to speak of the election when their voice is largely a minority on campus. This opposition to the majority is not regularly met with acceptance but with disdain and judgment before a reason can be given of why. 

Until now, I figured it was safer to keep my head down than say anything about my views. But why? Why do I fear sharing my convictions? I stand firmly in my beliefs, but it is hard to escape the projection of judgment from others. We need to create an environment where it is safe to discuss things without reserve. It is only when things are discussed that understanding is had and solutions are found.

As Christians we should stand strong in our faith and use this time of unease and uncertainty to share the source of true peace in a time of constant change. Christ is our firm foundation when the world around us is left to quake. 

Instead of posts or clothing that say how we feel, we should be serving, meeting needs and allowing our actions to speak louder than any slogan could.

It is time that we as Christians stop defining ourselves by a political party. Our focus needs to be on those around us, not those whose name is bolded on the ballot. While some say they hate “politics,” that doesn’t change the reality that the issues still must be discussed as they are bigger than red or blue, they are the topics that affect our everyday life.



    Kat Carson is the Tower Media social media editor. She is a senior double majoring in PR Communications and Psychology and Social Services. When she's not working, Kat enjoys reading, hiking, adventuring and spending time with those she loves.

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