Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is something I have been waiting for since “The Force Awakens” was released in December of 2015. Some of our biggest questions like, what happened to Rey after she found Luke Skywalker or what caused Kylo Ren to turn towards the dark side have finally been answered. The brutal space battles over vibrant alien planets and the ground shattering skirmishes that made the Star Wars franchise what it is continues on in “The Last Jedi”. The intense lightsaber duels between Jedi and Sith are brought to an entirely different emotional level.

The few things that had me upset about the movie are minor. Rian Johnson, the director, left a subtle message of “nobody is special” that crushed my childhood dreams of having a high midi-chlorian count; a strong connection the Force.

Regardless, The Last Jedi is still a phenomenal movie to watch that has me anxious for the next movie. I can confidently give this a 4 out of 5. May the force be with you!


Photo by Disney/Lucasfilm


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